Multi Channel EXR Export

Can one of you clever people advise me on how to export a multi channel EXR with mattes. I have a comp and i want to export it with several mattes attached for the colourist. I don’t seem to be able to find a way of doing this right now. Is it a timeline setup first? Can someone help with the process. Thanks as always.

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The method that appears to be the most intuitive is to export a multi-channel file sequence from batch.

  • Create a batch group
  • Add your comp
  • Add your mattes
  • Add a Write File node
  • Switch the Write File node from RGB-A to Multi-Channel
  • Choose the quantity of channels
  • Attach your comp to a red socket
  • Attach your mattes to blue sockets
  • Export
  • Mix a strong Martini
  • Await confirmation that resolve bloody well can’t, oh wait, no, wait, yes, it can actually read the files.
  • Drink both Martinis - the one you already made, and the second one that you deserve.

Brilliant thanks Phil i will go try this. :slight_smile:

We’ve been using a similar method to the one Phil mentioned but with a slight difference on a show recently. It involved having to create a red, green and blue matte for different bits to isolate and combine them in the same channel to be separated and used in grade. Happy to go into more detail, but if Phil’s version is working, then that sounds more straightforward.

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This is actually what i’ve done in the past but some colourists haven’t liked the process of separating out the channels at the other end. I’ve now followed Phil’s guide lines which have worked wonders I did leave left out the Martini and swapped it out for a cold beer and all is now working well. Thank you everyone.

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Good, glad you’ve sorted it. To be honest, Phil’s method sounded like the one I would have defaulted to given the choice.

Beer o’clock


You’ve been speaking to my wife and kids…
“We would have done it your way, but we didn’t…”


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