Please share about issue about composite

Want to know techniques to make composite green screen look realistic?

Can you please share some techniques in program flame? Or is there a learning source that I can go to study?

That question encompasses so many issues starting with how it’s shot to what background it’s on, and that’s just for starters. It’s not as simple as click and see the result.

hi @gumpmick, there are several different keyers in flame.

for basic usage of Flame keyers you can start with the free Autodesk Flame Youtube Learning channel and just search for “keyer” or “green screen” to get some results like this:

or you can also go to FXPHD which is a great resource, it will require a subscription however. You will learn a lot of good techniques to make your comps look great here.

good luck,


Subscription to fxphd, several detailed courses.

This one is a very good start:

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