PrimatteAI OFX is now available for Flame users worldwide

Did anything ever come of this? I’ve not received anything after signing up.

I got my license key but am traveling. Will check it out this weekend if possible

Still waiting for a download and license which is hopefully soon.
I got an initial reply on the 9th but was on vacation then:) So didn’t;t reply right away.
A couple more emails later(last one on the 18th) and now just waiting for what I assume is the license and download.

I got my license, I didn’t have time to explore it a lot. But it work.

I apologize for the delay. I’ve started discussions with Photron about improving the license and software provision scheme. I’ll provide updates here.
Thank you,
Yaz Mishima


@hemibola - please consider talking to @andymilkis about demonstrating your prescribed best practices Primatte workflow as a Logik Live web stream
Extra point if you consider delivering this masterclass in Japanese

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I just posted my message in the Logik Live thread. Since I use Flame only for programming, my operation tends to be slow and not very polished. However, I can use Keynote slides to explain the key concepts and operation tips. What do you think?



Hi All. I have been emailing with @hemibola and he has offered up 5 demo/trial licenses. If you are interested, please email me at and I’ll forward on the first five!


@hemibola - Implementation is not important.
Science and methodology are paramount.
Please teach us.

Thanks! I’m coordinating with Andy about the Logik Live presentation. Yaz


No worries, thanks Yaz!

Do we know what the cost of a full license is going to be?

Just had a chance to install & play with it… (Linux, FL 2025)

The AI mode is interesting, but I had mixed results. Ran it over two ActionVFX practice library GS shots. In both cases the AI mode did get like 50% there, and the tuning parameters were insufficient to go the rest.

So I switched to manual mode (the old style Primatte) and that worked better, but took of course a bit more work.

It would be nice if the AI mode had other refinement options. If you could use CleanFG and CleanBG where the AI model didn’t get it.

Also took me a while to realize how the undo was just a toggle in the UI, since standard Ctrl-Z doesn’t work. Unfortunately when you use the ‘undo’ toggle, it also resets the sampling mode, so it’s more tedious if you try to refine something and it takes a few tries to get hone with some undos.

And it crashed Flame 3 times while I was testing it.

But if the price is reasonable, it certainly would be a good keyer addition to Flame. For shots like this there is no ‘magic keyer’. And it definitely gets you there pretty fast, and then you need to work to refine, or at least use it as a garbage/core matte.

Both test clips have GS regions that different from the main BG. So not necessarily the easiest. Might retest with a super simple:

(these are the clips I tested with, not the results - just for reference)

Clip 1
Clip 2
Clip 3

Result from AI mode - can’t handle the back passenger window, no refinement possible.

Result from manual pass - still some small areas, but better - as expected

Result from AI mode, default setting:

With some refinement to catch the box and fill out more hair, but loosing some blacks

On a simple & clean GS shot (clip 3), the AI version worked in < 10s without issues. Would of course add a Matte Edge node and a tiny bit of cleanup, but this was about keyer result, not final comp.

BG clip is well known Arri test footage, makes a bit for a funny contrast :slight_smile:


Primate test 1 using @PlaceYourBetts footage - one button push on the AI setting - not bad. I’m thinking Music Videos absolutely nailed - degrain helps to get a better result - will need some matte assistance to fill in areas but off the bat, better than many many other keyers.


Wow! that looks quite good to be one click solution…ha!

It’s pretty good - however, as @allklier points out, it will need filling in. In commercials land, it’ll be pretty useful I think. On jobs with long takes, it won’t be a one button push. Having said that, it never gets easier but it will help.

Usual things apply, light foreground for background etc etc.


Hi Jan,

Thank you very much for your report. I will work on improving usability and stability in the next release.

If I have the opportunity to present at an upcoming Logik Live, I’d love to share some operational tips with everyone.

Thanks again.

Best regards,
Yaz Mishima


Hi John,

Thanks for the evaluation.

When working on more complex composites, PrimatteAI’s Mixer Mode can be quite powerful. I’ll also be explaining the technique in an upcoming Logik Live.

Best regards,

Yaz Mishima


Hi Yaz,

Any update on the roadmap and when this might go from beta to production status and the pricing?


They really need to implement a better licensing scheme. Currently it utilizes the UUID of the OS partition. If you ever reformat your drive, you need a new license cut. That is a non sustainable support paradigm. I wipe my machine multiple times per year for a variety of reasons.