PrimatteAI OFX is now available for Flame users worldwide

Didn’t realize. And agreed. Flame systems get re-installed pretty regularly.

PrimatteAI is currently in beta testing for Version 1.3. Version 1.2 has already been released in Japan, and Version 1.3 is scheduled for release by the end of this year.
Regarding Linux licensing, I’ve received similar requests from Japanese users. At present, we issue a new license whenever the system is updated, and the ID changes.
Possible alternatives include:
MAC address
HASP dongle
Before adopting the current scheme, I used the BIOS ID, but it didn’t work reliably in virtual machine environments.
I’d appreciate your thoughts on this matter.
Thank you, Yaz Mishima

Thanks for the update.

I think the Mac Address seems readily available and should be stable on physical work stations.

Not sure how well that works on cloud instances. But any hardware identifier would be problematic in that environment.

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Generally speaking I would have recommended iLok, which has a cloud (i.e. non-dongle) license type as well and is generally well regarded and many users may already have it. And it has great e-com support, as many software packages can sell an activation code, which users can then claim on their license account.

But it’s not natively supported on Linux. Some folks have gotten it to work, but that may not be good enough.

Either way, anything that relies on a stable hardware id is complicated in today’s infrastructure. A network based login license, similar to what Flame and Nuke now use, should be the standard. I don’t know what type of 3rd party solutions exist that would allow you to implement this easily.

A hardware dongle as a backup is nice for folks that have an air-gapped install.

FlexLM/RLM type floating license server is the only reasonable solution.


PrimatteAI OFX Version 1.3 beta is now available for trial. You can download the trial version with a watermark that works without a license key. Please visit the PrimatteAI product page at to find the download link.
If you’d like to test it without the watermark or are considering a purchase, please send us a message through the Contact Us section.
Thank you!
Yaz Mishima


Hi everyone,
I’ve created a video manual for PrimatteAI for Autodesk Flame.
Chapter 1 is now available here:

The series includes six chapters, with a new chapter released every Monday through mid-January 2025.

Check it out, and let me know your thoughts!
Yaz Mishima


Has the licensing model changed yet?

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Unfortunately no. FlexLM is too costly for my product. Sigh.

sorry may off missed the price, … how much?

We need some type of licensing that is not tied to the ephemeral system-id. I re-install OS on my machine at least 1 times per month for a variety of reasons. Use a MAC address or something that is at least persistent. Otherwise, as much as I love Primate, I can’t even consider this a product.


Regarding the price, could you please inquire through the “Contact Us” page on I apologize for the inconvenience.
Yaz Mishima

Thank you for the important feedback. I am seriously considering a change to the licensing scheme and will get back to you once there is progress.
Thank you again.
Yaz Mishima


Chapter 2 of the PrimatteAI video manual is now available:

Please check it out!
Yaz Mishima



Chapter 3 of the PrimatteAI video manual is now available:

Thank you!

Yaz Mishima


Hi everyone!

Chapter 4 of the PrimatteAI video manual is available now:

Thank you!

Yaz Mishima


Chapter 5 is now available:

Mixer Mode is “Primatte without a keyer”.

Thank you!

Yaz Mishima