Can anyone help. I have linked production flow to a project i am working on and all is well. However when i try to run or open lets say the logik portal it says its going through the motions but no interface shows, i also tried others like UC Renaimer and once again not working. Is productuon flow doing something cranky to other python scripts does anyone know. Many thanks in advance.
There is an older version of Python running when you use flow, and an older version of PySide.
They are not completely compatible with the versions of Python and PySide for flame 2025.
Which is unfortunate.
Hi Phil, Thank you for your insight. I’m guessing thats why i’m getting the attached gubbins when i open a project. So the best solution is for me to disable production flow and login via a browser and just crack on. Onwards and upwards. Thank you.
I wish that there was better news.
I have applied several times to work at Autodesk shotgun/shotgrid/flow/moxion but it appears I don’t have enough nuke skills or agile development certificates…
Working in batch for nearly 30 years obviously doesn’t qualify as Continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD), except, oh wait…
Never mind…
Well from what i observe from this forum and you crop up a lot, you defo have the onions for the job!
It’s a 24 carrot job so onions are not required…
use 0.4.5
Hi Alan,
Apolgies if im being stupid but when you mention using a version what are you refering to?
There is an updated version of the truly amazing FlameTimewarpML which may mitigate some (but not all) of the errors which you are encountering.
Issues like this happen in 2024. In 2025 any non-zero config is a no go as far as I can tell due to the old py versions. Back in 2024 there’s an issue with UI focus. You would publish a shot or call up a specific script from the portal and it would appear often like the machine had frozen. If you look carefully you would see a slight 1pixel box in a slightly different value where the portal window or the Flow window would be, but no end of switching windows or application would force it to appear.
For me, disabling Flow was the only way forward. It’s a joke, really.
I’m in the middle of converting all that lovely fast bash scripting to python/pyside for the PROJEKT project.
Graphical User Interfaces generated by code is the fastest and truest path to self-harm.
Previous versions of python and it’s tools litter vfx systems.
Python 2.7 was supposed to have been abandoned by 2020.
For context, Python 3 was released in 2008.
Flame 2025 has been a hell of an adventure.
This concludes that the issue is way bigger than my skill set thats for sure. Thanks all for the reassurance that it isn’t just my setup and an on going niggle that hopefully might get sorted one day. Its super useful to have flow within the flame environment but not as useful as having the Logik toolset. A rock & a hard place.
Hey @Marcus_M
I’ve got a fix for the problem you’re having with the Logik Portal scripts and Flow/Shotgrid thanks to @creonovo. Autodesk changed something somewhere that mucked things up with pyside when using Flow. I just need to get all the scripts updated. Hopefully I’ll be able to start rolling out some updated scripts soon.
Amazing news to hear. Thank you.