Hiya guys,
Our very own @MikeV has built the Logik Portal for our community. If you haven’t had a chance to check it out yet, ya gotta have this in your toolbelt. It is a GitHub repository of Python Scripts, Matchbox Installers, Batch Setups, and small Flame Archives that you can access after installing a single Python script.
We’ve already got a few great assets up there but could use some more. @Sinan and @AntonisNtelis just uploaded some of their particle presets, @digitalbanshee has her Object Obliterator up there, @ytf has his famous Fluid Morph that he demo’d a few years back, and @john-geehreng has a handy dandy scanline measuring tool. We’ve also got the Flame Benchmark Archive in the Archive tab, as well as a pretty blackbelt UV Unwrap submission featuring @cnoellert, @lewis and @DannyYoon .
It looks like this…
In order to have access to it, visit https://www.pyflame.com/ and follow the instructions. Its just a Python script you download and unzip into opt/Autodesk/shared/python. Python scripts, batch setups, and archives can be submitted by using the submit button in the respective tab within the Portal. Currently Archives are limited to 200mb. A github repository also exists for all portal python scripts here: GitHub - logik-portal/python_scripts: Python Scripts for Flame
Once installed, you can access the Logik Portal from within Flame, like so…
For each asset type, there is a Submit button where you can upload your own.