SRT files import to Flame

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Yeah but those are different character codes, if you’re just pressing the ’ key on the keyboard. In Photoshop/Illustrator with “smart quotes” turned on, it replaces the actual character code with a different one when you hit the key. If you then select and copy that text from Photoshop and paste it into Flame, it should put the replaced fancy character code on the clipboard and then be the same (it does on Windows anyway.)

However I keep this text file sitting around that I can quickly open in a text editor (or even just use cat in a terminal) that I then copy/paste from rather than stabbing around in the Flame special keys keyboard trying to find the right character:

That should download “Special Chars.bin” which you can just rename as .txt (I had to call it .bin to hotwire my server to force-download the file to you rather than just displaying in the browser)

It’s a low-tech solution that takes me a couple extra seconds and I get on with my life :smiley:


Informative. I can actually type an apostrophe in my Linux word processor and it copy/pastes correctly.

Ah yeah, Libre Writer looks like it does ‘smart quotes’ also (it’s an option in Tools > Autocorrect) so that works also.

Ultimately what we need/want is a ‘smart quote’ option in Flame in the Text modules… Surprised this wasn’t entered already, but it is now so go vote :slight_smile:

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I have voted “yes.”

I’ve been putting off harping too much about text because I know they are working on it, so perhaps the smart quotes can get worked into the new module that I suspect @fredwarren will make fantastic.

A little precision: we are not working on Text and haven’t been in the past years. We are investigating our options and collecting the users need. A round of validation should start soon.

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good to know.

What’s wrong with the Text Module?

Season 3 Nbc GIF by The Office


@ytf We have added the option to display Smart Quotes in Flame 2025.1 Update.

Subtitle: Quotations marks can be displayed as single or double marks using the Display Smart Quotes setting in the Subtitle Preferences.

  • When the setting is enabled and the font supports the format, quotes are rendered in their “curly” version. The curly version is also shown in the Text Preview of the Load Font window.
  • Regardless of the status of the setting, the quotes remain displayed as single quotes in the Subtitles editor’s text field and in an exported SRT file.