The Ultimate Thread for Remote Flame Artists That Don’t Hotkey Good

We recently installed a couple of new linux Flames in our facility. We’re demoing Splashtop first and discovered that f13, f14, f15 issue when remoting in from a Mac client.

We found a funky Karabiner workaround where we map those keys to something like Control + Option f10, Control + Option f11, Control + Option f12… and that does get passed through Splashtop correctly. In Flame keyboard settings you can go to that command and press the f13 key (or Print Screen on PC keyboard) and it will map the Control + Option f10 combo.

It is pretty clunky and it would be a drag to try and set up remote freelancers with that. Is it worth looking at Teradici to try and address this? From the discussions on here it seems like Teradici is also pretty frustrating.

We have used Jump Desktop for Mac based Flames as well as editorial workstations.
Flame was crashing frequently / randomly, and Tool Tips seemed involved somehow. Once we turned off Tool Tips, Jump Desktop / Flame has been pretty stable.
One of our artists who has a Windows machine at home prefers to use Parsec to remote into Mac based Flames. I think it has something to do with the cross platform key mapping.