I’ve got a timeline with 8k footage, bfx’s, action and image on top as well. You can imagine it’s sluggish to move around the timeline.
Before I put in a feature request I thought I’d ask here if there is a mode you can put Flame into where it doesnt render the viewer, just like when you are in batch with a heavy comp and you are in 1up on the schematic. “Hide Effects” helps a bit but not enough to go whizzing around the timeline.
hard commit a layer and put it below everything , set viewer to view just that layer
or just create a empty version track and set the viewer to that
or turn off visibility on all layers containing heavy effects.
what happens if you just go into reel view?
@johnag - if storage capacity is not of concern then consider a proxy workflow
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Proxies are enabled by Default.
Hit Control P and Bob’s Your Uncle. Enjoy the improved experience. Hit Control P to disable Proxies.
Use the Freeform view and Flame will skip every live render attempt, while letting you see the rendered parts in the thumbnail.
All very good suggestions. Thank you.
The best option for me was to set reels mode and cycle the broadcast monitor to one of the UI outs.