Alexa 35 Arriraw file not loading

Hello, Dear Flame Artists

I have original footage shot on Alexa 35. When I try to open the files in Flame 2025, they don’t load properly. I’ll share the metadata with you—could you help me figure out what might be wrong or what I might have missed?


Do you have success with other ALEXA 35 footage?

Arri has some test files - Camera Sample Footage & Reference Image | Learn & Help

Yes, it was successful when I downloaded it and tested it on that site.

So just this file that is giving you issues :thinking:

What is the file extension on your clip?
And where does this metadata come from?

When you say that they don’t load properly, could you explain?

Do they load but look too dark?

The file extension is mxf, and the file metadata was verified by loading from the ‘Arri Reference Tool’.

The file is not visible, and the information cannot be verified.

It’s not something silly…like the permissions are incorrect on the problematic footage?

It loads in DaVinci Resolve.
I looked at the Arri documentation… Is this related?

arri-alexa-35-supporting-tools-and-software-data.pdf (278.5 KB)

DaVinci Resolve loaded properly on Mac…

I can’t read what it says but might be related. I haven’t had a problem with ALEXA35 before.

I uploaded an additional pdf file. :slight_smile:

Oh yeah. Looking :eyes:

ALF-4 support :thinking:
ARRI look file 4

There was a lot of talk about the new textures in the ALEXA 35 format but I haven’t come across the ALF4 look file before.

@AdamArcher might know more about this than me :thinking:

I opened the AVID.ale and BIN file that was provided and saw that it contained alf4 information. Is there a workaround for a file with alf4 in Flame?

Not sure on this issue after a quick look. Sometimes ARRI cameras have a sidecar file containing the metadata (I think as an xml). If that isn’t there then Flame may not be able to read the file. I thought that was older versions of Alexa though, not the Alexa 35.

The alf4 file is a look file but you shouldn’t need it to read the file in Flame.

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Can Resolve trim Arri .MXFs? That’s a thing that people sometimes do in the past and has lead to similar issues. Did this MXF come straight from the camera?

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This was my guess too, resolve trimmed arri MXF prores are in fact broken in versions up to 18.6

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Have you tried importing the video without the audio? I can’t remember all of the specifics, but I’ve solved a similar issue with Alexa 35 by doing this in the past.

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