I have a new version of the mp4 gui script and I was finally able to get Rec709 colors to match. This is based off of Autodesk’s Export Selection Script and @MikeV 's work. You can select pretty much anything but a Desktop, right-click or go to the Main Menu and look for MP4 GUI. The script will render your clips/sequences, and then save them into a “FROM_FLAME” shared library. Once rendered and saved, it’ll make the appropriate subfolders and run your clips/sequences through ffmpeg. You can process them in the foreground or background and the settings are persistent. I have tool tips for CRF and Export Path.
I am trying to implement the “export between marks option”
Using other sample scripts follow the way of exporting a quiktime and then converting it, it’s easy by including ‘exporter.export_between_marks = true’ in exporter section.
This is not useful for scripts that use export streams by using process like mkfifo, and then fed a ffmpeg cmd.
How could I include the “export betwwen marks” option in your script?
Hey Kily,
Unfortunately, it’s not possible at the moment which is why our team doesn’t use it. I put in a Feature Request (FI-02547) about 2 years ago, but it hasn’t received much attention.
Thanks Jhon. link is unavailable now. I’ll try later.
Export using marks is essential in my opinion. I use it to export including/excluding slates, black video, and so, before or after the master.
I explored this some time ago, and I found an parameter of ffmpeg (-filter complex) to add it in export process. It works, and I tried to modify your script, but I’´m getting an error because -filter complex is not compatible with -vf . Without -vf arguments to set colourspace, I get some gamma/sat shift. So I gave up.