Remote playback problem

Yes, much much much better! It’s almost the same experience as with the local machine. Sometimes a little glitch here there, but very functional.


For flame to work audio-wise you need to set the video preview to none and the audio to pulse audio in the flame config. Then you’ll find audio works just fine through RGS.

Installing Ubuntu on a Mac is pretty painless depending on the Mac. That being said there’s definitely an argument for buying a nano pc and just hooking that bad boy up to a monitor rather than going the mac route.

Hum, I actually have an old pc laptop here. I’ll try to use it. Have anyone tried to use a second monitor setup with RGS ?

we use dual monitors of mixed resolutions without issue.


Unfortunately my Flame cannot open with pulse audio option, got an error, something like “unknown audio device”

According to the HP ZCentral Remote Boost User Guide on pages 52-53, both ALSA and Pulse Audio are supported. Support for Pulse Audio only shows up in more recent versions of Flame, so if your version doesn’t support that, you’ll want to configure Flame and RGS / ZCentral Boost to use ALSA.

I don’t want to hijack the thread, but as so many people are using RGS, maybe someone here has an idea what I could do. I’m loosing the connection every couple of minutes (see screenshot). Local Mac to remote Linux box, connected via VPN. I’ve already increased the network timeout to 120 secs, as I suspected the VPN. Any ideas how to identify the problem?

Long shot, but this doesn’t happen immediately after hitting Print Screen does it?

No. I can just sit there doing nothing and wait 5 minutes and will loose the connection. :confused:

In my system, (Mac to Linux) RGS log out if it’s not on the active window. In other words, if I switch my window to other apps, such as chrome, and leave the RGS session on the background, after a while RGS logs out.

@Quinn is right. You can skip the VPN and use port forwards. At least you can narrow it down. Just give each RGS box it’s own set of ports for connection.

I have just one problem: when login into ZCentral Remote, mouse/tablet actions are blocked, so I need to open vnc viewer and click on the splash window to enable access to collaborators. Probably there’s a command line or something else to fix and enable actions automatically for collaborators!

The HP ZCentral forum is quite helpful for tips + tricks. Here is the option that you can use to always accept collaborators. On the flame, edit the /etc/opt/hpremote/rgsender/rgsenderconfig file and UN-comment and then change the value from 0 to 1 on Rgsender.Collaboration.AlwaysAcceptCollaborators

## Allow authenticated collaborators to connect without prompting for
## authorization.

and then restart the daemon

systemctl restart rgsender.service

Also, not sure why RGS session is logging out. I’ve never experienced that before. You can check the logs (both on the sender and receiver) to see what’s going on – assuming your VPN is not timing out.

Yes, I found a lot of good info over there. Also, I found some good advice on the Autodesk forum. Now Flame is working fine here. A little tricky to find out how to make the 48khz audio work.
I have also asked for some help from an IT guy to configure the Linux machine.
The system is a Z840 running Flame 2021, Centos 7.4.
Thank you, guys!

Here’s the “recipe” used:


Cannot get 48kHz audio to work through HP Remote Graphics Software (RGS) using the standard HP patches on Linux Flame. The 44.1kHz audio does work as intended, however.


Incorrect installation.


To avoid this behavior, perform the following.

  1. Verify DKU installed is the correct version from the Flame Family 2021 release system requirements.
  2. Install and configure HP RGS Sender.
  3. Download the RGS Sender from HP website directly.
  4. Open a terminal and login as root.

Note : This process must be completed as the root user, using the ’ sudo’ command will not work.

  1. Navigate to the install directory for “Red Hat”.
  2. Install the RGS Sender using ‘source’ command:
  • source

NOTE : Answer ’ Yes ’ to all questions.

  1. Edit ‘/etc/X11/xorg.conf’ to include ’ Load “rge” ’ in the ‘Module’ section:

Section “Module” Load “rge” # HP Remote Graphics Software

  1. EndSectionRestart ‘X’ Windows:
  2. init 3
  3. init 5
  4. Ensure that the RGS sender is running using ‘ps’ command:
  • ps -ef | grep rgsender
  1. Configure HP RGS to use ALSA audio by running the HP RGS ALSA script:
  • /opt/hpremote/rgsender/audio/ alsa 48
  1. Open the Flame Setup tool and modify the Video and Audio device options as follows:
  • Video Device = None.
  • Audio Device = Alsa.
  1. Set Flame to use the “loopback” audio device.
  • Flame Menu > Preferences > Audio > Audio Output > LoopBack LoopBack PC.
  1. Reboot workstation.
  2. Launch the HP RGS software configuration tool from the CentOS user.
  3. Login to CentOS GUI.
  4. Open a terminal and login as root from same CentOS user GUI session.
  5. Run the HP RGS script to launch the configuration tool:
  • /opt/hpremote/rgsender/
  1. Test remote desktop connection between HP RGS client and the host RGS workstation that is running the sender.
  2. Create “ 10-rgs-loopback.conf ” in ‘/usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf.d’.
  • 10-rgs-loopback.conf contents:

pcm.rgs_loopback48 { type hw card Loopback device 1 rate 48000

  • }
  1. Adjust ‘Rgsender.Audio.Linux.DeviceName=plug:’ in /etc/opt/hpremote/rgsenderconfig to:
  • Rgsender.Audio.Linux.DeviceName=plug:rgs_loopback48
  1. Uncomment and swap the sample rate values with the alternate rate in ‘ /etc/pulse/daemon.conf ’.
  2. Reboot remote workstation.

Also, it’s important to use the same login name and PW from the system to RGS.

This is all old information. As said before, use the latest Flame and RGS and none of this is an issue. Also you are working on a deprecated OS.

You shouldn’t have to modify the xorg.conf file at all. Steps 1-3 are outdated. If you’re using flame 2021.1.x or higher you should be able to use pulse.

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Sorry, but pulse not appears on the Flame setup app. Maybe it needs to be installed or something …

I am using the last RGS version and Flame 2021.1.2, but audio doesn’t worked without all of those procedures listed! Maybe I should upgrade Centos, isn’t?