Excuses! Excuses!
3 years? Are you still running CentOS7 too? I have about 12 workstations and 20 burn nodes that I update on a consistent basis automatically using relatively simple scripting. Time for you to invest in a bit of competent system administration. I’ll be showing this at the LA UG in 2 weeks.
What do you mean, 3 years!
And seriously Alan, you’ve got to stop chucking your toys out of the pram so often. There are plenty of shops not running the latest version.
Today I learned that F4 in Flame 2025 doesn’t switch between front/matte view like it used to do in earlier versions. Is there any way to bring that back?
This was not changed. Mine works fine.
Haven’t noticed any change either.
That’s strange. For some reason, when I click F4, while in gmask tracer or Action, the output view in viewer doesn’t switch, I have to go to Output tab and click there. My friend has the same issue. We’re both on flame 2025.2.2, mine is linux, his is on mac.
Yes, that’s correct. But has been such for quite some while, not sure if that is new in 2025.
Action and GMask Tracer have always behaved differently than other nodes in this regards. They both have multiple outputs which can all have multiple Render Passes.
F4 cycles between the different Outputs
1 and 2 cycle between the different Render Passes of the currently selected Output.
If what you are looking for is to cycle between the Comp and Matte render passes of an output, you must use 1 or 2.
I just tried and I could do it with action on TL
Maybe you are not starting with the axis at default
Thats one of my pet peeves is that if you scaled the image then you decide to use the Y key to centre it moves the image
You can do it with the Y key on Action TLFX??
Yes, yes, I know that. But maybe I’m not making myself clear here.
In this video Grant uses F4 key to switch to the result view of Gmask Tracer which is how I remember that. In Flame 2025, when I create a mask and click F4, nothing happens, I have to press 1 or 2 to switch to matte output and then press F1 and F4 to jump between Front and Result view. As I remember it, I could press only F4 to toggle different views.
works on flame 2023 with Flame hotkeys. just tested it.
If you look at 00:48, you’ll see that Grant draw his GMask on the Front View (F1). So when he switches to the Result View (F4) you see the Primary Output of the first Output, which is set to Matte by default.
If you look at the Output menu of a freshly created GMask Tracer node, you should see that:
- you have one Output in the list (output1)
- the Primary Output is set to Matte, on the column next to the Output List
- Matte is the only Render Pass enabled.
Since you only have one output, F4 does nothing.
Since you only have one render pass, 1 and 2 do nothing.
Ok, maybe it was something I remembered incorrectly.
Flame broke Gmask tracer and Action result views a few versions ago. No words to try to explain the logic help.
It’s like the logic to abruptly change the hotkeys for context views, for no apparent benefit.
I can’t. What are you doing that I’m missing?
Not from the timeline though @johnag surely you need to go into the action setup and it will work