Today I learned…

I wish this worked in Action /media list numeric fields like crop and blur.


I am not saying no @johnag but those always seem quite legacy to me. Maybe cos I am mostly working in batch. Are you using these whilst in Image? Action has so many uses :hugs:

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I don’t usually use kf’s in those channels but when I accidentally have auto key on and adjust stuff in media list I get kf’s I wand to find and delete quickly. Shift - double - click would be a good use for that.

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Today I learned that it’s possible to get 3x XMLs from editorial that do not have any timewarps.


Mind Reaction GIF


I agree, i think action hasn’t been upgraded in years. Surely there must be a work around to quickly locate keyframes in action.

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It can be so difficult to find the animated result camera with the new animation window


dare i say it out loud…i much prefer the old animation menu! I hate the way the new one constantly changes your focus and zooms out to show everything when you are wanting to adjust very small areas of an animation. So much that feels like a step backwards to me.


The other one was far from perfect. Maybe we just forced ourselves so hard to get used to that old way that this new one is so strange :thinking:
I am going to go back to the manual/video before I make final judgement but it hasn’t clicked for me


lisa kudrow television GIF by The Comeback HBO

I hear you on some of the issues, and I’m mixed on it. But once nice thing is that because it was changed recently, you are far more likely to convince the devs to improve it further, whereas very old features often go into legacy jail.


Yeah maybe we should start thread discussing all the elements of the old animation that we could bring forward etc. There are a load of weird idiosyncrasies with the new one. Sorry I’m too busy to start one right now. But just trying to select a channel in the animator and can’t, so annoying. It just needs a bunch of stuff fixed and would be good.


I thought it was just me … driving me crazy.

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Embarrassingly enough, just learned today that you can combine two mattes by just plugging them into a Comp node without any FG or BG and then using the Matte Blending operations. Just tried it by chance.


Today I learned that if you have the waveforms visible on your timeline audio tracks, they also show up on the channel editor graph.

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Today I learned that there are 2 scrubbing modes with the timebar under the player in timeline.

I always knew that you can scrub left and right but I didnt know you can scrub up and down. The up/down has less acceloration than left/right making it easier for those long timelines.


@johnag I’m going to give this a go tomorrow when I get to work. I may be hitting you up if I can’t get the magic combo down.

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TIL if you click on an Action or Gmask Tracer node and press ‘Tab,’ it’ll cycle through all of the nodes in the sub-schematic.

Useful for getting access to a node’s properties without having to dive into the schematic.


TIL your screen refresh rate affects the playback speed of image sequences. (Flame 2024, linux,240 hz & exr sequence in my case). Reducing the refresh rate to 60 fixes it.